Hello! I'm S M A Nahian.
I am from Bangladesh.
I am 18 years old.
I've recently graduated from Dhaka College.
I am a Math enthusiast.
Beside my academic studies, I love to solve Mathematical Olympiad problems.
Among the four major topics in MO, I like Geometry and Combinatorics (also good at these maybe :p) and I hate NT (obviously because I am weak at this).
I have been participating in BdMO (Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad) since I was 10 years old.
I've participated in some International MO's too.
Till now, my biggest achievements in MO are getting 2x Bronze medals at International Mathematics Olympiad & 2x Silver medals at Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad .
I also like to code.
I am a beginner at competitive programming, but I am trying to improve.
Mainly, I started competitive programming to improve my combinatorics skill, but now I do it because I liked it.
You can check out my cp profile at Codeforces, AtCoder and Codechef.
I have ranked #210 at Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad 2024
I use C++, Python and Java for cp.
Besides competitive programming, I am learning web application development.
In my free time, I love to play chess on some online platforms (chess.com, lichess, FIDE Online Arena) and to listen music (You can follow my playlists on Spotify if you like Taylor Swift songs :p ).